Seneca College University of Toronto 士嘉堡校区联合推出 2+2/3 转学分无缝对接桥梁课程 Pathway,现在开始接受 2020年9月入学申请!官网发布原文与译文如下。

如果你计划申请加拿大学院或大学本科20年9月或21年1月专业,可以随时与我们contact us. Our&nbspeducation consultantswill provide you with free, professional application consultation and other services with our experience of solving more than 1,000 application cases each year.

U of T Scarborough and Seneca College created accelerated transfer articulation agreements, called Pathways. Pathways are designed qualified students enrolled in either the Liberal Arts or the Arts & Science University Transfer Programs at Seneca College to pursue a college diploma and university degree in as little as four years.

多伦多大学士嘉堡校区与圣力嘉学院共同制定并签署转学分合作项目协议,简称 “桥梁课程”。该桥梁课程专为就读于圣力嘉学院,文理专业学生设计,以便能够在最短 4 年内取得多大本科及安省大专 “双学历”。


  • 同时获取大学本科学位,与安省学院大专文凭 “双学历”
  • 通过快速通道 EE 移民加分,点击此处进入线上EE自动计算器,计算分数差异
  • 节省超过 $8,000 加币学费
  • 最大化转学分至多大士嘉堡校区
  • 最少 4 年,最多 5 年内完成 “双学历”,节约宝贵时间


  • Successful completion of the 2 year (4 semester) Liberal Arts diploma program or Arts & Science diploma program at Seneca College
  • Minimum program GPA of 3.0 from Seneca College
  • Completion of prerequisite courses
  • Recommendation from Seneca College to transfer to U of T Scarborough
  • Completion of at least 1 course (0.5 credit) at U of T Scarborough with a minimum CGPA of 1.7 (60%)


  • 在圣力嘉学院完成 2 年(4 学期)人文专业大专文凭或文理学大专文凭
  • 学分绩 GPA 不低于 3.0
  • 完成指定预修课程
  • 申请并获得圣力嘉学院转多大世佳宝校区推荐(只要满足成绩条件即可申请获批)
  • 暑假在多大士嘉堡校区完成不少于一门课(0.5 学分),且累积学分绩 CGPA 不低于 1.7(60%)
