Ryerson University 就有关 20年9 月入学,预科双录新生入学注册、缴费选课、重要日期等信息作出更新说明;原文及译文如下。

如果你已经是优途加拿大的学生,并通过我们申请加拿大本科院校及其校内语言中心,可以随时联系你的责任留学规划师得到即使帮助。如果你计划申请20年9月及21年1月或9月入学加拿大本硕院校,请与我们contact us. Our&nbspeducation consultantsWith experience in solving more than 500 application cases each year, we will provide you with the most professional consulting and application services.

Congratulations! We are thrilled you have received an Offer of Admission from Ryerson!  恭喜你!我们很高兴你能收到瑞尔森大学的录取通知书!

Now it’s time to reserve your place in your program. There are three essential steps to maintaining your Offer of Admission and ensuring that you are ready to start classes in September. 为确保我们能够为您保留位置,并在 9 月顺利入学,需要完成以下三个步骤。

Step 1: Confirm your Offer of Admission by June 1st 第一步:在 6月1 日前确定接受录取

  • You are required to confirm your Offer via the Ontario Universities’ Application Centre (OUAC) by June 01, 2020, if 你需要通过 OUAC 系统平台接受录取,如果
  • you have not already done so. 你还没有进行该操作

Step 2: Make your first Tuition Payment by June 30th 第二步:在 6月30 日前缴纳第一笔学费

  • New! The payment due date has changed to allow for more time. The first tuition payment due date is now June 30, 2020. Please disregard the date and amount stated in your Offer letter. 为了给您更加充裕的时间进行缴费,缴费截止日期延长到 6月30 日。你可以无视录取通知书上的日期
  • If payment is not made on or before June 30th your place in the program will be cancelled. 如果在截止日期前未能缴费,你的录取将被作废
First Payment Due June 30, 2020(6月30日前缴清第一笔学费)Second Payment Due August 24, 2020(8月24日前缴清第二笔学费)
ESL Foundation Program I$12,500 CDN$11,150 CDN
ESL Foundation Program II$12,500 CDN$20,400 CDN
ESL Foundation Program III$12,500 CDN$27,400 CDN
International University Foundation Program$12,500 CDN$20,500 CDN


Step 3: Meet your Admission Conditions 第三步:确保完成有条件录取中的 “条件”

  • Be sure to satisfy any admission conditions stated in your Offer of Admission by June 30th, unless otherwise stated in your official letter. Conditions may include completing your high school or college diploma, achieving a required overall average, passing prerequisite courses with the required grades and/or submitting final, official academic transcripts. 除非在正式录取通知中另有说明,否则你需在 6月30 日之前满足有条件录取信 Conditional Offer 上的所有录取条件。包括但不限于:完成高中课程、分数达到一定水平要求、通过具有要求等级的先修课程、提交正式成绩单等。