


December 20th, 2021|签证移民, 签证移民概览|

2021年12月16日,总理特鲁多给移民部长发出了指示信,指明近期的移民方向。例如:尊重原住民、维护 LGBTQ2(对于Q2代表什么已经分不清了)群体的权益、增加偏远省份和城市的移民机会(最后都会变成买卖雇主的游戏),多收难民等这些车轱辘话就不赘述了。我们看一点对我们有用的。


September 15th, 2021|省提名移民|



June 1st, 2021|签证移民, 签证移民概览, Immigration Programs|

加拿大联邦自雇移民 Self-employed Person,是一个历史相对悠久的联邦级移民项目,民间也称为杰出人才移民。特指在艺术文化和体育领域已经取得杰出成就的作家、画家、艺术家、演员、运动员等文体界人士,不占用加拿大本地人的工作机会,以自雇形式,用自己的文体才能和经验为自己创造工作,从而移民加拿大。


June 1st, 2021|移民权利义务|



April 29th, 2021|省提名移民|

目前看来,安省 EOI 打分系统仍存在很多漏洞,比如硕博类明明不看职位高低与薪资,但却对行业有所要求。比如物理化学等理科项目并没有包含在教育专业分数以内,预计未来可能有所调整。其次,该打分系统的不足也十分明显...


April 15th, 2021|签证移民概览|

特赦政策的 90,000 名额中有 40,000 名额分配给毕业生类别,剩余的 50,000 名额分配给有医疗相关或拥有必须职业 Essential occupation 工作经验的申请人。这个必须职业,不是大家认为的高端职业,很多 C/D 类的服务类行业都是涵盖在内的,包括:收银员、送餐司机、清洁工等等,具体请参考列表。


新斯科舍经验:快速通道 Nova Scotia Experience: Express Entry

UTOpedia of Studying in Canada



In one's experience of studying abroad, one needs to independantly face the challenges and difficulties in daily life and in education. However, I made the wrong decision! When I was helpless and lost, I was very fortunate to meet Emily from UtoCanada. She helped me and enlightened me. When I met difficulties, UtoCanada gave me a helping hand Their efforts, sincerity, enthusiasm and responsibility made me feel secure. Thanks you, Emily, for taking care of me and being concerned about me. She once said: "As long as you are my student, I will continue to look out for you until you graduate. I will not leave you behind!" She really showed ne the light at the end of the tunnel. Thanks for everything, UtoCanada and Emily, for all that you have done for me!

Emily’s Student


Emily’s Student

In one's experience of studying abroad, one needs to independantly face the challenges and difficulties in daily life and in education. However, I made the wrong decision! When I was helpless and lost, I was very fortunate to meet Emily from UtoCanada. She helped me and enlightened me. When I met difficulties, UtoCanada gave me a helping hand Their efforts, sincerity, enthusiasm and responsibility made me feel secure. Thanks you, Emily, for taking care of me and being concerned about me. She once said: "As long as you are my student, I will continue to look out for you until you graduate. I will not leave you behind!" She really showed ne the light at the end of the tunnel. Thanks for everything, UtoCanada and Emily, for all that you have done for me!


At first, I had no choice but to contact Amber because I was completely lost. However, Amber surprised me. She proved to be more reliable and responsible than I had expected. Not only did she follow up my application status by phone every day, but she also compared and analyzed many options for me. When I first went abroad, I thought I would be able to enter a famous university. But later on, I realized the fact that diplomas and certifications in Canada are not everything. What is important is your strength and ability. When Amber adjusted my study plan and helped me apply for the major of finance in Fanshawe College with co-op, she kept telling me that just because I needed to"save the nation through indirect ways" it did not mean that I should "give up on myself".

Amber‘s Student


Amber‘s Student

At first, I had no choice but to contact Amber because I was completely lost. However, Amber surprised me. She proved to be more reliable and responsible than I had expected. Not only did she follow up my application status by phone every day, but she also compared and analyzed many options for me. When I first went abroad, I thought I would be able to enter a famous university. But later on, I realized the fact that diplomas and certifications in Canada are not everything. What is important is your strength and ability. When Amber adjusted my study plan and helped me apply for the major of finance in Fanshawe College with co-op, she kept telling me that just because I needed to"save the nation through indirect ways" it did not mean that I should "give up on myself".


A year ago, I came to a strange city that is Toronto. Everything about the city was upsetting and disturbing. When I first came to Toronto, I was wrongfully sent to a private high school by my agent in China. Due to my unfamiliarity with Toronto, I could not keep up with everyone's pace of study. After meeting Yvonne, she often helped me in my studies and life here, which made me see Toronto from a different angle. I also gained more confidence in myself. When I started to apply for schools in December, Yvonne always helped me decide on schools and subjects, and guided me through every step. I was really grateful and touched. Thank you, UTO Canada, and Yvonne, for your efforts!

Yvonne’s Student


Yvonne’s Student

A year ago, I came to a strange city that is Toronto. Everything about the city was upsetting and disturbing. When I first came to Toronto, I was wrongfully sent to a private high school by my agent in China. Due to my unfamiliarity with Toronto, I could not keep up with everyone's pace of study. After meeting Yvonne, she often helped me in my studies and life here, which made me see Toronto from a different angle. I also gained more confidence in myself. When I started to apply for schools in December, Yvonne always helped me decide on schools and subjects, and guided me through every step. I was really grateful and touched. Thank you, UTO Canada, and Yvonne, for your efforts!

Terry Hou

As a fresh graduate in China, going abroad has always been my dream. However, there are many fake agencies out there. I was lucky enough to find UTO Canada. Only when I met Emily did I successfully come to study and live in Canada. Before leaving China, Emily helped me prepare my packing list. She didn’t even complain about the long wait at the Canadian airport when I arrived to get my student visa. She’s very, very sweet. She often checks in on me about my studies and everyday life. I remember once she drove me home and because I was jet-lagging I fell asleep in her car. She slowed down her driving so that I could sleep better. She also took me to buy books after the semester began and guided me through my courses. She also took me out to eat on my birthday. Having a sister like Emily really makes me feel safe. She takes care of me like family, encourages me and is there for me when I’m feeling lost and worried.

Emily’s Student


Emily’s Student

As a fresh graduate in China, going abroad has always been my dream. However, there are many fake agencies out there. I was lucky enough to find UTO Canada. Only when I met Emily did I successfully come to study and live in Canada. Before leaving China, Emily helped me prepare my packing list. She didn’t even complain about the long wait at the Canadian airport when I arrived to get my student visa. She’s very, very sweet. She often checks in on me about my studies and everyday life. I remember once she drove me home and because I was jet-lagging I fell asleep in her car. She slowed down her driving so that I could sleep better. She also took me to buy books after the semester began and guided me through my courses. She also took me out to eat on my birthday. Having a sister like Emily really makes me feel safe. She takes care of me like family, encourages me and is there for me when I’m feeling lost and worried.


I got to know Amber before I came to CIC. She shared with me a lot of knowledge about my life and study in high school, which was helpful in preparing me for my life here. After arriving in Canada, Amber organized for us, new students, to open bank accounts, get SIM cards, and learn about local customs. In my college application, Amber also gave good advice. She is soon to come to Hamilton to deliver a speech on university application infomration and updates. With the help of Amber, I successfully applied for a university. In my eyes, Amber is a very, very warm-hearted friend, she can patiently solve every day problems for us. In return, I’ll always support you, Amber!

Amber‘s Student


Amber‘s Student

I got to know Amber before I came to CIC. She shared with me a lot of knowledge about my life and study in high school, which was helpful in preparing me for my life here. After arriving in Canada, Amber organized for us, new students, to open bank accounts, get SIM cards, and learn about local customs. In my college application, Amber also gave good advice. She is soon to come to Hamilton to deliver a speech on university application infomration and updates. With the help of Amber, I successfully applied for a university. In my eyes, Amber is a very, very warm-hearted friend, she can patiently solve every day problems for us. In return, I’ll always support you, Amber!


I met Amber when I was preparing to apply for university. Just when I was feeling confused about what to do, Amber came to me with helpful suggestions based on my interests, skills and grades. When I had burning questions, Amber would provide me with answers right away. Every time she answers my questions, I would no longer be sleepless (This is one of Amber's healing powers!) Not only does she help me with my studies, but she also calls me to say hello whenever I am feeling down.

Amber‘s Student


Amber‘s Student

I met Amber when I was preparing to apply for university. Just when I was feeling confused about what to do, Amber came to me with helpful suggestions based on my interests, skills and grades. When I had burning questions, Amber would provide me with answers right away. Every time she answers my questions, I would no longer be sleepless (This is one of Amber's healing powers!) Not only does she help me with my studies, but she also calls me to say hello whenever I am feeling down.


When I was transferring to another school, my friend recommended his consultant to me. That's how I met Amber. From the very beginning of the chat, my impression of her was that she’s very caring, responsible, and serious about helping me. Also, she did not charge me for my school transfer. At that time when I was still in China, she would be very timely to respond to my questions and concerns. I was very touched by her attitude towards helping me. After the beginning of the semester, I went to school to pay my tuition and to do my transfer, and she was there with me the whole time, telling me who to find and what to say. Although this process was real blow to my academic career, I was really lucky to meet Amber and get her help.

Amber‘s Student


Amber‘s Student

When I was transferring to another school, my friend recommended his consultant to me. That's how I met Amber. From the very beginning of the chat, my impression of her was that she’s very caring, responsible, and serious about helping me. Also, she did not charge me for my school transfer. At that time when I was still in China, she would be very timely to respond to my questions and concerns. I was very touched by her attitude towards helping me. After the beginning of the semester, I went to school to pay my tuition and to do my transfer, and she was there with me the whole time, telling me who to find and what to say. Although this process was real blow to my academic career, I was really lucky to meet Amber and get her help.


The first time I saw Amber’s face was on my social media, WeChat Moments. At that time, I thought she was just an ordinary agent. When I came across problems in my university applications, I was desperately seeking help. Without much hope, I contacted Amber. When we speak of agents, the first thing that springs to everyone’s mind is that they would just be scam artists. Amber is very different from the agencies I've worked with before. Others would only tell you the good things, but at the same time, they would withhold information. I really think Amber is a good consultant for studying abroad. She uncomplainingly answered all my questions and help me avoid detours. Amber is also super nice. I was really moved when she took me to my exam and waited for me outside. After having known her all this time, I feel that she is not distant, she’s considered a close friend who helps me in times of need.

Amber‘s Student


Amber‘s Student

The first time I saw Amber’s face was on my social media, WeChat Moments. At that time, I thought she was just an ordinary agent. When I came across problems in my university applications, I was desperately seeking help. Without much hope, I contacted Amber. When we speak of agents, the first thing that springs to everyone’s mind is that they would just be scam artists. Amber is very different from the agencies I've worked with before. Others would only tell you the good things, but at the same time, they would withhold information. I really think Amber is a good consultant for studying abroad. She uncomplainingly answered all my questions and help me avoid detours. Amber is also super nice. I was really moved when she took me to my exam and waited for me outside. After having known her all this time, I feel that she is not distant, she’s considered a close friend who helps me in times of need.


It was the busiest time of the semester when I also had to submit my university applications. It was stressful. I am super thankful for all the help Yuki gave me. Without her, I could not have applied to my university so easily. She not only knew what kind of school was suitable for me, but she also gave me a detailed plan. Thank you, Yuki, for helping me concentrate on my studies without having to worry about applications, and helping choose the best university for me.

Yuki’s Student


Yuki’s Student

It was the busiest time of the semester when I also had to submit my university applications. It was stressful. I am super thankful for all the help Yuki gave me. Without her, I could not have applied to my university so easily. She not only knew what kind of school was suitable for me, but she also gave me a detailed plan. Thank you, Yuki, for helping me concentrate on my studies without having to worry about applications, and helping choose the best university for me.


The first time I met Yuki was through a WeChat group, where we only said a few words. Then occasionally at dinner, she learned that I had been wanting to apply for nursing school. I had found a school and applied through the principal, paid the school a lot of money, but they did not help me apply for a nursing major. Instead, they tried to fool me with offers from other majors. Yuki was super nice to help me look for good schools with nursing programs. Although, for me, there were a lot of setbacks along the way, Yuki was very patient and dedicated to her work. She used their spare time, without hesitation, to consult and visit the schools with me. Day by day, she earned my trust, and I have no doubt in her. Although this is part of her duties, I’m very grateful for her efforts. However, in my eyes, she does better than others. I admire Yuki and I would recommend her to anyone who needs guidance.

Yuki’s Student


Yuki’s Student

The first time I met Yuki was through a WeChat group, where we only said a few words. Then occasionally at dinner, she learned that I had been wanting to apply for nursing school. I had found a school and applied through the principal, paid the school a lot of money, but they did not help me apply for a nursing major. Instead, they tried to fool me with offers from other majors. Yuki was super nice to help me look for good schools with nursing programs. Although, for me, there were a lot of setbacks along the way, Yuki was very patient and dedicated to her work. She used their spare time, without hesitation, to consult and visit the schools with me. Day by day, she earned my trust, and I have no doubt in her. Although this is part of her duties, I’m very grateful for her efforts. However, in my eyes, she does better than others. I admire Yuki and I would recommend her to anyone who needs guidance.


When I first came to Canada, I studied in a public school. Because of my poor English skills and my struggles in adapting to a new environment, my grades were not ideal. At that time, my enthusiasm and interest was running low. Fortunately, my friend, who had received Yuki’s help in the past, recommended that I contact her. After listening to my situation, she helped me to research a lot of schools, and thought of a lot of ways to help me transfer schools, so that I can graduate from high school in time. In addition to that, she also helped me plan and adjust my course selections for the major I wanted to apply for in university. Knowing this was all under control, I was able to improve my grades little by little. My confidence in learning was also gradually enhanced, and I applied for the university I desired. I really want to thank Yuki. If it were not for her, I would still be stuck in high school.

Yuki’s Student


Yuki’s Student

When I first came to Canada, I studied in a public school. Because of my poor English skills and my struggles in adapting to a new environment, my grades were not ideal. At that time, my enthusiasm and interest was running low. Fortunately, my friend, who had received Yuki’s help in the past, recommended that I contact her. After listening to my situation, she helped me to research a lot of schools, and thought of a lot of ways to help me transfer schools, so that I can graduate from high school in time. In addition to that, she also helped me plan and adjust my course selections for the major I wanted to apply for in university. Knowing this was all under control, I was able to improve my grades little by little. My confidence in learning was also gradually enhanced, and I applied for the university I desired. I really want to thank Yuki. If it were not for her, I would still be stuck in high school.


An agent in China tricked into studying the Academic Program at York University’s Language Institute. Even after studying there for a whole year, I still was not able to graduate. Then my friend recommended going back to grade 11 in high school. I was not aware of all the time I had been wasting in the past year and a half until I met Roy at a friend's party. Now that I have been studying in Seneca for half a semester, I feel like I am on the right track. If you have any problems, seek out Roy! He’s unfailing!

Roy’s Student


Roy’s Student

An agent in China tricked into studying the Academic Program at York University’s Language Institute. Even after studying there for a whole year, I still was not able to graduate. Then my friend recommended going back to grade 11 in high school. I was not aware of all the time I had been wasting in the past year and a half until I met Roy at a friend's party. Now that I have been studying in Seneca for half a semester, I feel like I am on the right track. If you have any problems, seek out Roy! He’s unfailing!

Angel Wang

Since my boyfriend was studying in Toronto, I wanted to come to Canada to visit him. At the same time, I casually applied for Seneca. After entering Seneca, I was admitted into their language study program (Level 6). That was when my nightmare began. My teacher deliberately wanted to stall the Chinese students, so she failed me at Level 6 twice. I was devastated and didn't know what to do next. Daniel happens to be my boyfriend’s friend. After learning about my situation, he helped me transfer to a language center to focus on studying English. Finally, I transferred to my boyfriend's university with my IELTS score and high school scores. Thank goodness for Roy’s help! If anyone needs help, go to Roy. He’s trustworthy and reliable!

Roy’s Student


Roy’s Student

Since my boyfriend was studying in Toronto, I wanted to come to Canada to visit him. At the same time, I casually applied for Seneca. After entering Seneca, I was admitted into their language study program (Level 6). That was when my nightmare began. My teacher deliberately wanted to stall the Chinese students, so she failed me at Level 6 twice. I was devastated and didn't know what to do next. Daniel happens to be my boyfriend’s friend. After learning about my situation, he helped me transfer to a language center to focus on studying English. Finally, I transferred to my boyfriend's university with my IELTS score and high school scores. Thank goodness for Roy’s help! If anyone needs help, go to Roy. He’s trustworthy and reliable!


Amber helped me a lot with my studies in school. Through her, I also learned what to expect and how to be aware problems I could encounter in my studies; such as how to buy and sell books, how to choose courses and so on. Later, after having stayed in CIC for long time, I had the idea of transferring to another school, so I discussed this matter with Amber. She suggested many schools, visited some of them with me, and helped me compare the schools so I could decide which one to apply to. Therefore, I think Amber is an earnest and ambitious person in her work. To us oblivious little kids, she is also very patient.

Amber‘s Student


Amber‘s Student

Amber helped me a lot with my studies in school. Through her, I also learned what to expect and how to be aware problems I could encounter in my studies; such as how to buy and sell books, how to choose courses and so on. Later, after having stayed in CIC for long time, I had the idea of transferring to another school, so I discussed this matter with Amber. She suggested many schools, visited some of them with me, and helped me compare the schools so I could decide which one to apply to. Therefore, I think Amber is an earnest and ambitious person in her work. To us oblivious little kids, she is also very patient.


A friend recommended UTO Canada as they give very detailed and serious answers. When I applied for my visa, they told me about the requirements in a professional manner. According to their suggestions, I chose a good school and I really enjoy the learning atmosphere and teaching style of this school. Their suggestions are very useful and to the point. Every time I have questions they are quick to answer my questions, so I got a lot of help out of them. I want to thank themfor their help and I hope they can keep up the great work. I will always support you guys, UTO Canada!

Yvonne’s Student


Yvonne’s Student

A friend recommended UTO Canada as they give very detailed and serious answers. When I applied for my visa, they told me about the requirements in a professional manner. According to their suggestions, I chose a good school and I really enjoy the learning atmosphere and teaching style of this school. Their suggestions are very useful and to the point. Every time I have questions they are quick to answer my questions, so I got a lot of help out of them. I want to thank themfor their help and I hope they can keep up the great work. I will always support you guys, UTO Canada!


I met Yuki through a friend and she helped me apply for my renewal visa twice. I was deeply impressed by her serious, responsible and patient attitude. She is really approachable. Not only did she help me solve my visa problem, but she also taught me a lot of knowledge about studying in Canada, which was very helpful. Later, I wanted to transfer to a better private high school for better chances of getting into university, and Yuki helped me a lot by telling me about different schools, and visiting the schools with me to communicate with the teachers. This is definitely beyond the abilities of an outland agent in China. After I got into the new private high school, she remained in contact with my teachers, having discussions about my studies from time to time. Also, according to the university major that I wanted to apply for, she helped me with my course selections. I am very grateful to her. Without her, I would still be scammed by other agents, and my path of studying abroad would not have been so smooth.

Yuki’s Student


Yuki’s Student

I met Yuki through a friend and she helped me apply for my renewal visa twice. I was deeply impressed by her serious, responsible and patient attitude. She is really approachable. Not only did she help me solve my visa problem, but she also taught me a lot of knowledge about studying in Canada, which was very helpful. Later, I wanted to transfer to a better private high school for better chances of getting into university, and Yuki helped me a lot by telling me about different schools, and visiting the schools with me to communicate with the teachers. This is definitely beyond the abilities of an outland agent in China. After I got into the new private high school, she remained in contact with my teachers, having discussions about my studies from time to time. Also, according to the university major that I wanted to apply for, she helped me with my course selections. I am very grateful to her. Without her, I would still be scammed by other agents, and my path of studying abroad would not have been so smooth.


When I was in China, I consulted Nicky about how to choose courses and how to graduate as soon as possible. Now, I have been in Canada for nearly a year. After being cheated countless times by schools and companies, I received an offer through Nicky. Although I have always felt that both domestic and foreign agencies are scams, Nicky was able to prove otherwise! I can trustingly talk to Nick because she is reliable. PS. This is a truthful review!

Nicky’s Student


Nicky’s Student

When I was in China, I consulted Nicky about how to choose courses and how to graduate as soon as possible. Now, I have been in Canada for nearly a year. After being cheated countless times by schools and companies, I received an offer through Nicky. Although I have always felt that both domestic and foreign agencies are scams, Nicky was able to prove otherwise! I can trustingly talk to Nick because she is reliable. PS. This is a truthful review!


Yvonne is kind and thoughtful. When I encountered problems in my visa and school transfer, she took the initiative to help me to properly solve the problem. After Yvonne helped me transfer to another school, I successfully entered my courses, and I was very satisfied with my new school. Now that graduation is fast approaching Yvonne still pays close attention to my academic performance. She rarely sees me or chats with me, but she often checks in with me, asking "how are your studies? How were your grades last semester? Do your best, okay?" …and so on, just like the conversations between a mother and her child (I hope Yvonne doesn’t get offended! LOL). Although she gets busy and is forgetful at times, she would always call back in time to solve my problems. Compared to her dedication to her students, there is nothing more that she cares about. She is approachable and willing to solve your problems at school. P.S. by the way, Yvonne, when will you get married?

Yvonne’s Student


Yvonne’s Student

Yvonne is kind and thoughtful. When I encountered problems in my visa and school transfer, she took the initiative to help me to properly solve the problem. After Yvonne helped me transfer to another school, I successfully entered my courses, and I was very satisfied with my new school. Now that graduation is fast approaching Yvonne still pays close attention to my academic performance. She rarely sees me or chats with me, but she often checks in with me, asking "how are your studies? How were your grades last semester? Do your best, okay?" …and so on, just like the conversations between a mother and her child (I hope Yvonne doesn’t get offended! LOL). Although she gets busy and is forgetful at times, she would always call back in time to solve my problems. Compared to her dedication to her students, there is nothing more that she cares about. She is approachable and willing to solve your problems at school. P.S. by the way, Yvonne, when will you get married?


I want to thank Yuki from UTO Canada for helping me solve the problems of school and visa applications. She explained to me in detail the problems need special attention during the whole process. At that time, I had to go back to China because of my personal visa and the whole time I was away, she was followed up on my process. Thanks to her, I was able to come back early and I received an offer from Seneca college upon my return. Because of my language barrier, she helped me save time and tuition money by thinking of ways to rapidly improve my language ability. She is always looking out for me. She’s very warm-hearted and easy to talk to. Please ignore my bad writing skills. I’d just like to say that she is the best agent I have ever met.

Yuki’s Student


Yuki’s Student

I want to thank Yuki from UTO Canada for helping me solve the problems of school and visa applications. She explained to me in detail the problems need special attention during the whole process. At that time, I had to go back to China because of my personal visa and the whole time I was away, she was followed up on my process. Thanks to her, I was able to come back early and I received an offer from Seneca college upon my return. Because of my language barrier, she helped me save time and tuition money by thinking of ways to rapidly improve my language ability. She is always looking out for me. She’s very warm-hearted and easy to talk to. Please ignore my bad writing skills. I’d just like to say that she is the best agent I have ever met.


Amber is very nice. When I first arrived in Toronto, I was about to apply for university. I wasn’t aware of the many problems I would come across in my applications. At that time, I met Amber coincidentally, and I told her about my troubles in applying for university. She patiently gave me a clear answer and a lot of useful advice. I would like to thank Amber for her help in my studies. Also, she helped me and my boyfriend get offers from McMaster University.

Amber‘s Student


Amber‘s Student

Amber is very nice. When I first arrived in Toronto, I was about to apply for university. I wasn’t aware of the many problems I would come across in my applications. At that time, I met Amber coincidentally, and I told her about my troubles in applying for university. She patiently gave me a clear answer and a lot of useful advice. I would like to thank Amber for her help in my studies. Also, she helped me and my boyfriend get offers from McMaster University.


Yvonne is a responsible person. She helped me a lot when I applied for college, guided me and gave me a lot of professional advice. She helped me choose a suitable major that I liked. Ask her anything, and she’d know what to do, fast! To sum it up in one sentence: she’s reassuring, super nice and humorous. Talking to her is like chatting with a close friend, and when it comes to important matters, she gives me a lot of professional advice. In al;, she’s a superwoman! I’m really thankful!

Yvonne’s Student


Yvonne’s Student

Yvonne is a responsible person. She helped me a lot when I applied for college, guided me and gave me a lot of professional advice. She helped me choose a suitable major that I liked. Ask her anything, and she’d know what to do, fast! To sum it up in one sentence: she’s reassuring, super nice and humorous. Talking to her is like chatting with a close friend, and when it comes to important matters, she gives me a lot of professional advice. In al;, she’s a superwoman! I’m really thankful!


Yuki is a very, very kind person. One might even suspect that she is an angel from heaven. I was lucky enough to meet her at the biggest crossroad of my life when I felt like I wasn't fit for UTM. I was feeling lost until she reached out, giving me her hand, and asked for nothing in return. A few times in the middle of the night, I had nightmares about being out of school with nowhere to attend. When I woke up from my nightmare, I immediately picked up my phone and looked through Yuki and I’s chat records. I scrolled through our messages and I started to calm down and slowly fall back asleep. Finally, I would like to express my gratitude to the angel who helped me. I’d like to invite her to dinner one day.

Yuki’s Student


Yuki’s Student

Yuki is a very, very kind person. One might even suspect that she is an angel from heaven. I was lucky enough to meet her at the biggest crossroad of my life when I felt like I wasn't fit for UTM. I was feeling lost until she reached out, giving me her hand, and asked for nothing in return. A few times in the middle of the night, I had nightmares about being out of school with nowhere to attend. When I woke up from my nightmare, I immediately picked up my phone and looked through Yuki and I’s chat records. I scrolled through our messages and I started to calm down and slowly fall back asleep. Finally, I would like to express my gratitude to the angel who helped me. I’d like to invite her to dinner one day.


The beautiful Amber is very responsible in taking care of every student and guiding them with her own experience. Amber is concerned about her students, treating them as if they were her own siblings, keeping them on the right track. If you have any questions about studying abroad, please contact Amber!

Amber‘s Student


Amber‘s Student

The beautiful Amber is very responsible in taking care of every student and guiding them with her own experience. Amber is concerned about her students, treating them as if they were her own siblings, keeping them on the right track. If you have any questions about studying abroad, please contact Amber!


I have been in Canada for two years. Thank you very much, UTO Canada, for your help. From choosing a school, applying for the visa, to obtaining my visa, Yvonne has been very responsible and sensible in helping me prepare and submit my applications. UTO Canada has always been helping me with things related to studying in Canada. So, I would recommended UTO Canada to of my friends. “An ethical agency does the right thing.” I strongly agree with this point and because of this, their company is attracting more and more international students. Finally, I hope UTO Canada continues to grow and grow. I also hope for continuing success for Yvonne.

Yvonne’s Student


Yvonne’s Student

I have been in Canada for two years. Thank you very much, UTO Canada, for your help. From choosing a school, applying for the visa, to obtaining my visa, Yvonne has been very responsible and sensible in helping me prepare and submit my applications. UTO Canada has always been helping me with things related to studying in Canada. So, I would recommended UTO Canada to of my friends. “An ethical agency does the right thing.” I strongly agree with this point and because of this, their company is attracting more and more international students. Finally, I hope UTO Canada continues to grow and grow. I also hope for continuing success for Yvonne.


Nicky is a really nice person. At first, I had some random questions and I didn’t expect to get much of an answer, but Nicky was very patient and willing to answer all my questions. Especially when it comes to professional knowledge, she is very comprehensive. My major is a bit unpopular, but she helped me to research the schools and provided me with expert advice. Because I had no experience and my English was not good, I had no idea how to prepare for my application. She helped me sort it all out and took all my pain away. Also, Nicky is really good-looking! Come see her and let her help you!

Nicky’s Student


Nicky’s Student

Nicky is a really nice person. At first, I had some random questions and I didn’t expect to get much of an answer, but Nicky was very patient and willing to answer all my questions. Especially when it comes to professional knowledge, she is very comprehensive. My major is a bit unpopular, but she helped me to research the schools and provided me with expert advice. Because I had no experience and my English was not good, I had no idea how to prepare for my application. She helped me sort it all out and took all my pain away. Also, Nicky is really good-looking! Come see her and let her help you!


Thanks to Nicky at UTO Canada, I was able to apply for a fitting major in a good university. At that time, I did not have a high enough IELTS score and I did not know what school I could apply for. I was feeling completely lost time until I met Nicky. After understanding my situation, she helped compare different majors in detail. In the end we finally chose a suitable major and university for me. She led me to my path towards my future. She took me to different places to take my exams. Honestly, I was wondering to myself, how could anyone be so nice? Everyone at UTO Canada is very friendly and they will help you like a friends no matter what the problem is. I was really lucky to meet her.

Nicky’s Student


Nicky’s Student

Thanks to Nicky at UTO Canada, I was able to apply for a fitting major in a good university. At that time, I did not have a high enough IELTS score and I did not know what school I could apply for. I was feeling completely lost time until I met Nicky. After understanding my situation, she helped compare different majors in detail. In the end we finally chose a suitable major and university for me. She led me to my path towards my future. She took me to different places to take my exams. Honestly, I was wondering to myself, how could anyone be so nice? Everyone at UTO Canada is very friendly and they will help you like a friends no matter what the problem is. I was really lucky to meet her.



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