逸之兔2022-10-05T01:13:24-04:00December 20th, 2021|签证移民, 签证移民概览|
2021年12月16日,总理特鲁多给移民部长发出了指示信,指明近期的移民方向。例如:尊重原住民、维护 LGBTQ2(对于Q2代表什么已经分不清了)群体的权益、增加偏远省份和城市的移民机会(最后都会变成买卖雇主的游戏),多收难民等这些车轱辘话就不赘述了。我们看一点对我们有用的。
逸之兔2022-10-05T01:14:35-04:00September 23rd, 2021|团聚移民即时资讯|
2021年父母团聚的30,000个名额开始抽签,只有去年已经进入池子的担保人有被抽中的资格。担保人收入以 2018-2020 年为准,其中2020年的收入不需要1.3倍,也可以将CERB等政府福利补助计算在内。目前邀请正在陆续发放中,预计持续两周时间,请耐心等待。
逸之兔2021-12-28T18:08:57-05:00June 1st, 2021|签证移民, 签证移民概览, Immigration Programs|
加拿大联邦自雇移民 Self-employed Person,是一个历史相对悠久的联邦级移民项目,民间也称为杰出人才移民。特指在艺术文化和体育领域已经取得杰出成就的作家、画家、艺术家、演员、运动员等文体界人士,不占用加拿大本地人的工作机会,以自雇形式,用自己的文体才能和经验为自己创造工作,从而移民加拿大。
逸之兔2021-09-06T00:16:47-04:00June 1st, 2021|移民权利义务|
Canada Family Reunification Immigration Program Services
优途加拿大咨询管理集团留学规划事业部,所属各职级留学规划师、签证移民中心普通文案及助理、各办公室行政职员均不具备加拿大移民顾问协会成员 RCIC 执业资质。因此,上述人员只能向客户陈述现行签证及移民法规、协助客户收集整理申请材料、并将材料递送至集团签证移民事业部具有资质的移民顾问具体处理。「资质认证码 Membership Number:R708987」
According to Canadian federal laws and regulations: A "Use of A Representative Use of A Representative IMM5476[IMM 5476]" form must be signed when hiring a paid representative for business involving visa application, renewal, or immigration application.
Spouse, Common-law Partner and Children
Eligible Canadian citizens or permanent residents (sponsors) may sponsor their opposite-sex or same-sex spouses,common-law partners、conjugal partners and unmarried children under the age of 22 to come to Canada for reunion. The key to the success for non-blood-related immigrants is for the Canadian immigration authorities to believe in the authenticity of the relationship between the sponsor and the principal applicant, and that the applicant does not have a previous record of misrepresentation.
After being granted permanent residence, the individual may not be a sponsor if he/she has sponsored a previous spouse/partner who has not been a permanent resident for more than 3 years; or were themselves sponsored and became a permanent resident less than 5 years ago. In a spousal sponsorship, the applicant’s permanent resident card is unrestricted. After landing, the permanent resident status of the principal applicant will not be affected by divorce or breakup. However, the relationship status must remain the same before landing.
For humanitarian reasons, IRCC is committed to reuniting families as quickly as possible so sponsoring your spouse outland is relatively fast. The process is generally about 12 months. The procedure is as follows: the application is submitted to the Sydney Case Processing Centreand then transferred to Hong Kong or Ottawa Visa Office for processing of permanent resident status.
The inland sponsorship success-rate is higher, almost at 100%. At the same time, the applicant can apply for a work permit. If the principal applicant has a valid temporary status, he/she may apply for an open work permit at the same time as submitting the inland application. If the status expires, you can also apply for a work permit to restore the validity after receiving the letter of Approved in Principle.
When both parties are in Canada, interviews are rarely required, but if both parties are abroad, the interview is usually conducted in Hong Kong. If the application fails, the outland application has the right ofappeal, which can be heard through an Immigration Appeal Division. Refused inland applications can only retain a law firm to file a Judicial. Review on the original application. Despite of apparent refusal, as long as the relationship is genuine, there is no need to worry too much.
Canadian citizens living outside of Canada can apply for outland sponsorship, but immigration officers need to be convinced that once the principal applicant is granted permanent residence, the couple will settle in Canada. Canadian permanent residents living outside of Canada may not apply for spousal sponsorship. Both parties need to return to Canada to submit the application.
No proof of income is required if the sponsor is sponsoring his/her married spouse, common law partner, conjugal partner and unmarried children under the age of 22. Even unemployment and low income will not affect the outcome of the application. The sponsor only has to fulfill the corresponding obligations and reimburse the compensated government benefits.
A medical examination is required, provided that the applicant does not endanger the public safety of Canada and does not carry a seriously contagious disease. However, even for a condition needing treatment that causes financial strain on Canada's public health system, it will not be a reason for the application to be refused.
Under current Canadian law, couples of the same or opposite sex who have lived together in a conjugal relationship for more than one year is considered equal to being married. This relationship is called a common-law. Similar to a legally married couple, both individuals bear obligations and responsibilities and share the same benefits. Only one cohabitee is recognized in Canada. A common-law relationship cannot be established with more than one person at the same time. If the sponsor is legally married to someone else, officers must be satisfied that the sponsor is separated from and no longer cohabits with the legal spouse.
The common-law spouse shall declare the relationship by submitting the "Statutory Declaration of Common-Law Union", Form IMM 5409, and take an oath before a Commissioner of Oaths. Proof that both parties have lived together for more than one year is also required when filing the immigration application. Supporting documents that your show residential address include but are not limited to: water and electrical bills, credit card bills, phone bills, rental contracts, third party testimonies, etc.
In the case of common-law partners that are unmarried and not able to live together, as long as both parties maintain a stable marriage-like relationship, they can also reunite and immigrate. This relationship is called a Conjugal Partner in Canadian law. Note that a conjugal relationship differs from a common-law relationship.
Common-law couples are considered married in Canada and receive the same benefits as their spouses. A conjugal partner may not immigrate with the principal applicant, but may apply for spousal sponsorship if the sponsor is already a Canadian citizen or permanent resident.
Service Fee |
服务费不包括政府收取的申请费、登录费和体检费、公证费等第三方费用;也不包括魁北克 CSQ 的申请费(如适用)。 |
Government Fees |
Sponsorship of Parents and Grandparents
如果担保人居住在魁北克省以外的加拿大省份或地区,担保人在申请前 3 年,以及移民审理过程中的每一年的收入都达到加拿大家庭最低收入 LICO 的 1.3 倍。但 2020 年由于疫情影响,可无需增加 30%,2018-2020 具体收入要求如下:
家庭人数 (含申请人) | 2018 | 2019年 | 2020年 |
1 person (the sponsor) | CAD$24,949 | CAD$25,338 | CAD$25,920 |
2 persons | CAD$31,061 | CAD$31,544 | CAD$32,270 |
3 persons | CAD$38,185 | CAD$38,780 | CAD$39,672 |
4 persons | CAD$46,362 | CAD$47,084 | CAD$48,166 |
5 persons | CAD$52,583 | CAD$53,402 | CAD$54,630 |
6 persons | CAD$59,304 | CAD$60,228 | CAD$61,612 |
7 persons | CAD$66,027 | CAD$67,056 | CAD$68,598 |
More than 7 persons, for each additional person, add | CAD$6,723 | CAD$6,828 | CAD$6,984 |
2021 年的收入,无需在递交申请时提供。但根据移民法,审理期间(目前的审理周期大约 2 年)担保人仍要满足收入要求。每年的收入要比上一年增长 1-2% 左右。至于 2021 年是否仍可豁免 30% 尚不明确。
- 申请人单身且无子女,担保父母,按 3 人计算
- 申请人一家四口(两子女),曾担保男方父母且 20 年担保期未过,即担保女方目前。女方母亲有配偶和一个未成年子女且不随同(仍要计算),按 4+2+1+1=8 人计算
“收入” 指 “税前收入”,自雇或受雇的收入都可纳入计算。通常来说,即是申请人税单上第 150 行(Line 150)的数值。其他更多细节问题,请参看父母团聚移民 2021 年常见问题。
Fees |
服务包括 | ① 材料准备 ② 递交申请 ③ 中途材料补充和解释 ④ 登陆指导 ⑤ 办理和收取第一张枫叶卡 |
免费上诉 | 如被拒签,我们将免费上诉到移民及难民委员会 IRB,其中包括但不限于以下情况(注意,如因虚假陈述被拒签不能上述至 IRB,因此请务必提供真实材料):
根据 2019 年经验,受邀后所需提交的材料包括:
担保表格 |
缴费收据 | 提供向移民局缴纳申请费的收据 |
担保人证件 | 以下证件可被接受:① 加拿大护照 ② 永久居民卡(可过期)③ 出生纸等 |
共同担保人 |
关系证明 |
申请人证件 | 申请人的护照或旅行证件的复印件 |
申请人家庭成员 |
Photo | 每位申请人提供符合条件的 50 x 70 mm 白底彩色照片 |
- 通常需要担保人的出生公证,但不需要担保人父母的出生公证,除非担保祖父母。
- 很多担保人没有留存医院的出生医学证明,或者 90 年代以前出生的担保人可能从来没有获得过出生医学证明。这种情况可以去户口所在地公证处开具出生公证书。有出生医学证明的担保人提供原件相符的公证翻译件。
- 首次递交不需要申请人的无犯罪公证和户口本公证,但后期可能需要。身份证公证通常是不需要的材料。
- 不建议提前准备无犯罪,因为无犯罪有比较严格的有效期规定。出生公证、结婚证公证和户口本公证则永久有效。但户口本上经常会有过期的信息(服务处所等),建议更新过期的信息后重新公证。
- 理论上结婚证、户口本和出生医学证明可以提供认证翻译件,但有时候签证官依然要求补公证件,为方便起见,建议直接提供这些证件的公证件原件。
- 可以在担保表格中直接授权移民部查询申请人的纳税情况,也可以提供过去三年的税单 (Notice of Accessment,NOA),二选一。
Sponsorship of Relatives
This program allows a permanent resident or citizen of Canada to sponsor any relative (related by blood or adoption), if sponsor doesn’t have any other of the below-mentioned relatives in Canada, who are either permanent residents or citizens.
- Relatives mentioned above refer to: spouse/common-law partner/conjugal, child, parent(s)/grandparent(s), sibling, aunt/uncle, or niece/nephew.
- Other relatives refer to: children of parent’s siblings (cousins).
The vast majority of single new immigrants do not have relatives who are citizens or permanent residents in Canada. If the sponsor does not meet the requirements to sponsor parents, other relatives can still be sponsored through the program. To sponsor parents, the sponsor must meet the following requirements: in the past three years, their income is more than 30% of the Low Income Cut-offs (LICOs) To sponsor relatives, the sponsor only needs to meet the minimum necessary income as identified in LICO within the past year.
However, if the sponsor's income meets the requirements of the parents’ sponsorship, but the parents do not meet the requirements of the application due to medical conditions or other reasons, the sponsor does not meet the criteria to "Sponsor Other Relatives," and therefore will not be able to sponsor other relatives.
To sponsor a relative, the sponsor needs to meet LICO requirements within the past year. In calculating the size of family, the sponsor and all sponsored relatives must be included. The length of undertaking for sponsorship is 10 years after that person becomes a permanent resident. Within these 10 years, if the sponsor needs to sponsor someone else (e.g. parents can be sponsored if income meets the requirements), the number of relatives must also be counted in family size.
The following table shows Low Income Cut-Off (LICO) in the last three years:
Size of Family Unit | 2016 | 2017 | 2018 |
1 person (the sponsor) | CAD$24,328 | CAD$24,600 | CAD$24,949 |
2 persons | CAD$30,286 | CAD$30,625 | CAD$31,061 |
3 persons | CAD$37,234 | CAD$37,650 | CAD$38,185 |
4 persons | CAD$45,206 | CAD$45,712 | CAD$46,362 |
5 persons | CAD$51,272 | CAD$51,846 | CAD$52,583 |
6 persons | CAD$57,826 | CAD$58,473 | CAD$59,304 |
7 persons | CAD$64,381 | CAD$65,101 | CAD$66,027 |
More than 7 persons, for each additional person, add | CAD$6,555 | CAD$6,628 | CAD$6,723 |
Service Fee |
服务费不包括政府收取的申请费、登录费和体检费、公证费等第三方费用;也不包括魁北克 CSQ 的申请费(如适用)。 |
Government Fees |
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