多伦多电影学院 Toronto Film School 今日发布最新通告称,由于疫情影响,暂停 2020年7月及9 月针对时装设计、时尚与娱乐产业营销两大专业的录取;原文及译文如下。


We are writing today to inform you that regrettably, in the context of COVID-19, Toronto Film School has made the difficult decision not to host an intake of students for the Fashion Design or Marketing for. Fashion and Entertainment diploma programs this July. We will also not recruit for the fall intake at this time so that we might properly evaluate the program. We are offering full refunds for all applicants affected.

译文:谨在此遗憾地通知您,由于疫情影响,多伦多电影学院不得不做出艰难决定。今年 7 月不招收时装设计或时尚与娱乐产业营销专业课程的学生。另外也暂停今年秋季入学的招生工作,以便我们有更多时间进行评估为应对新的环境做出改变;我们将为所有受影响的申请人提供全额退款。