乔治布朗学院 George Brown College 今日发布最新通告称,由于疫情影响,改变了我们的生活和学习,鉴于物理隔离措施预计还会持续一段时间。GBC 官方邮件通知:2020年9月秋季学期将变成网课Oline上课的形式完成;原文及译文如下。

如果你需要协助,或计划申请加拿大学院20年9月或21年1月专业,可以随时与我们연락 주시기 바랍니다. 저희의유학 컨설턴트凭借每年解决超过1,000申请个案的经验,为你提供最专业且免费的申请咨询与服务。

The COVID-19 pandemic has changed how all of us live, learn and work, as we follow the guidance of our public health authorities and governments to keep our communities safe. With September just a few months away, you may be wondering what your Fall semester at George Brown College will look like


Given that physical distancing measures are expected to continue for some time, the Fall 2020 semester of your program will take place through remote, online delivery. This decision has not been undertaken lightly, but was guided by our commitment to ensuring your health and safety while following the guidelines of our government and public health authorities in determining the pace and timing of our campus reopening.


To support your success as an online learner, the college has developed an Online Learning microsite full of tips and resources. We also encourage you to take advantage of the many online support services available to our students, including virtual tutoring, video counselling, online career advising, Accessible Learning Services and more. Although our campuses are currently closed, our employees are online and ready to help.


All domestic and international students are strongly encouraged to visit our COVID-19 webpage and review the frequently asked questions for more specific Fall 2020 information, including program tuition ; immigration guidelines; health insurance; Work Integrated Learning (WIL); and Important Dates and Deadlines.
