过去几个月来,持有学签工签的申请人在加拿大境内申请小签,均被批成 V-1 访问签证,我们为此做出评论。移民局对此做出的解释是疫情期间移民局采取的临时措施来处理在加拿大境内递交的小签申请。申请人可以用此签证来入境加拿大,和持有 S-1或W-1 小签一样。

This is not an error. Due to COVID-19, we have temporary measures in place to process visitor visa applications submitted from inside Canada.

  • Foreign students and workers who applied for a visitor visa in Canada since July 2021 may get a V-1 visitor visa.
  • You can use your V-1 visa to leave and re-enter Canada – the same way you would use your S-1 or W-1 visa.
  • You don’t need to request a different type of visa or follow up with the processing office or client support centre. A new visa will not be issued in this case.


