昨天,安省大学教育展官网发布最新消息,由于疫情影响 2020 年安省大学教育展取消!原文及译文如下。

同学们无需恐慌,我们会针对安省热门本科院校,逐步召开线上及线下申请说明会。如果你计划申请20年9月及21年1月或9月入学加拿大本硕院校,请与我们연락 주시기 바랍니다. 저희의유학 컨설턴트들은 매년 500건이 넘는 대학, 대학원 신청을 진행하고 있으며 전문적인 신청 서비스를 제공해 드립니다.

After monitoring the ongoing impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, and following the advice of public health officials and our member institutions, we have regretfully decided to cancel this year’s OUF.

The health and safety of everyone who attends and participates in the OUF are of the utmost importance to us.

In the coming weeks, we will provide more information and resources for prospective students to ensure they can connect with universities and have the information they need to help them decide which Ontario university is right for them.

鉴于 COVID-19 疫情影响,在参考公共卫生官员及 OUF 成员机构的建议下,我们遗憾地决定取消今年的安省大学教育展。 参展学生及校方每个人的健康和安全,对我们至关重要。 在接下来的几周里,我们将为即将进行大学申请的学生提供更多信息和资源,以确保他们可以与安省大学联系,并获得所需的信息进行择校。