加拿大境内续签周期存在很大的不确定因素,时快时慢。签证中心处理负荷有限,繁忙时有可能出现学签 and工签的续签审理周期超过 2 个月。因此,很多人会有如下疑问:在我已递交续签申请的情况下,新的签证还没有审批结果,但旧的签证已经过期,这种情况下我是否可以合法在加拿大居留?

答案是毋庸置疑的,可以!此时申请人的身份就属于隐含身份 Implied Status。对于该身份状态,目前移民法律界还没有统一的中文翻译。




根据加拿大移民法 IRPR189 规定:学签持有人在递交学签续签等待审理的过程中,即使原学签过期,依旧可以合法上学。

189. A foreign national who has made an application under subsection 217(1) is authorized to study without a study permit until a decision is made on the application if they have remained in Canada since the expiry of their study permit and continue to comply with the conditions, other than the expiry date, set out on the expired study permit.


根据加拿大移民法 IRPR186(u)  规定:工签持有人在递交工签续签等待审理的过程中,即使原工签过期,依旧可以合法工作。

186. A foreign national may work in Canada without a work permit
(u) until a decision is made on an application made by them under subsection 201(1), if they have remained in Canada after the expiry of their work permit and they have continued to comply with the conditions set out on the expired work permit, other than the expiry date;


根据加拿大移民法 IRPR186(w)  规定:留学生毕业后申请Post-Graduation Work Permit等待审批结果期间,即使原学签过期失效,依然可以合法打工。

186. A foreign national may work in Canada without a work permit
(w) if they are or were the holder of a study permit who has completed their program of study and
(i) they met the requirements set out in paragraph (v), and
(ii) they applied for a work permit before the expiry of that study permit and a decision has not yet been made in respect of their application.


尽管加拿大移民部官网上对隐含身份 Implied Status 的解释十分明确,我们依旧建议申请人尽早提交续签申请。对于一般的境内续签而言,在晚提交的情况下,即使申请人仍保有隐含身份,但一旦被拒签隐含身份也立刻失效,必须申请恢复身份。但如果新的续签申请被拒时,申请人的原身份依旧有效,只需重新递交一份续签申请即可。

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